Proceedings of the Alvey Vision Conference 1987
Alvey MMI-007 Vehicle Exemplar: The Knowledge Based Approach K D Baker and G D Sullivan, University of Reading
Alvey MMI-007 Vehicle Exemplar: Image Segmentation and Attribute Generation R J Godden, J A Fullwood and J Hyde, Marconi CCS
Alvey MMI-007 Vehicle Exemplar: Object Hypothesis by Evidential Reasoning S K Morton, University of Bristol
Use of Machine Learning to Generate Rules D Hutber and P F Sims, BAe
Alvey MMI-007 Vehicle Exemplar: Evaluation and Verification of Model Instances K Brisdon, University of Reading
Alvey MMI-007 Vehicle Exemplar: Performance and Limitations G D Sullivan, University of Reading
A Method for Quantifying the Importance of Facts, Rules and Hypotheses T J Parsons, BAe
Concept Learning from Examples with Applications to a Vision Learning System A L Ralescu and J F Baldwin, University of Bristol
TINA: A 3D Vision System for Pick and Place J Porrill, S B Pollard, T P Pridmore, J B Bowen, J E W Mayhew and J P Frisby, University of Sheffield
Advances in 3D Model Identification from Stereo Data J Knapman, IBM
Modelling Second-Order Volumetric Features R B Fisher, University of Edinburgh
Solving Geometric Constraints in a Parallel Network R B Fisher and M J Orr University of Edinburgh
Ambiguity of Shading and Stereo Contour A Blake, University of Edinburgh
Interpretation of 2D Scenes Using a General Relational Model P McAndrew and A M Wallace, Heriot-Watt University
Complete Object Inspection Using CAD Models and Robotic Manipulation T J Ellis, P Moukas and G A W West, City University
The Development of Array Architectures Embodying Partial Local Autonomy T J Fountain, University College London
Processor Array Requirements for Advanced Image Processing: Theory and Experiment M R B Forshaw, University College London
Associative Processor Arrays: Simulation and Performance Estimates for Image Processing A Duller, A Morgan and R Storer, University of Bristol
A Pipelined Architecture for the Canny Edge Detector B P D Ruff, GEC Research
A Digital Camera and Real-Time Image Correction for Use in Edge Location D Hutber BAe and S Wright, University of Cambridge
Implementation of a Feature Point Stereo Image Matching Algorithm on a Transputer Network K A Collins, J B G Roberts and K J Palmer, RSRE
Space-Scale Analysis in the Human Primal Sketch R J Watt, MRC Cambridge
Gradient-Based Flow Segmentation and Location of the Focus of Expansion I Overington, BAe
A Simple Method for Depth Recovery from Multi-Camera Arrays G L Scott and S Wossner, University of Sussex
Matching Features from Edge-Processed Image Sequences M J Stephens, Plessey Research Roke Manor
Determination of Ego-Motion from Matched Points C G Harris, Plessey Research Roke Manor
Matching Canny Edgels to Compute the Principal Components of Optic Flow D A Castelow, D W Murray, G L Scott and B F Buxton, GEC Research
From an Image Sequence to a Recognized Polyhedral Object D W Murray, D A Castelow and B F Buxton, GEC Research
Query Based Visual Analysis: Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Computer Vision H Buxton and N Walker, Queen Mary College London
A Second Look at the Least-Squares Algorithm for Recovering Information from Optical Flow S J Maybank, Marconi Command and Control Systems
Double and Triple Ambiguities in the Interpretation of Two Views of a Scene H C Longuet-Higgins, University of Sussex
3D Positional Integration from Image Sequences C G Harris and J M Pike, Plessey Research Roke Manor
COMPACT - A 3D Shape Representation Scheme for Polyhedral Scenes P Grossmann, GEC
Higher Order Adaptive Networks - Some Aspects of Multi-Class and Feed-Back Systems T J Stonham, B A Wilkie and L Masih, Brunei University
Adaptive Windows for Texture Discrimination B Kani and M J Dobree Wilson, Brunei University
Seeds of Perception M Brady, University of Oxford
Finding Corners J A Noble, University of Oxford
Representing Space for Practical Reasoning M M Fleck, University of Oxford
A System for Finding Changes in Colour D A Forsyth, University of Oxford
The Use of Colour to Segment and Label Images P R Claxton & E K Y Kwok, STC Technology
Knowledge-Based Segmentation for Remote-Sensing A M Tailor, D G Corr, A Cross, D C Hogg, D H Lawrence, D C Mason, M Petrou, Systems Designers Scientific
A Study of Optimisation Approaches to Probabilistic Relaxation Labelling on a 3 Node 2 Label Problem J Kittler, J Illingworth and V Mallesh, University of Surrey
A Survey of Efficient Hough Transform Methods J Illingworth and J Kittler, University of Surrey
The Performance of the Generalised Hough Transform: Concavities, Ambiguities and Positional Accuracy E R Davies, Royal Holloway & Bedford New College
Radon transformation of S-function Curves. A Geometric Approach V F Leavers, Kings College and G F Miller, National Physical Laboratory
The Alternative Snake - and Other Animals G L Scott, University of Oxford